Thursday, 22 January 2009

Desert Photo


A 7 Hour plane ride and a whole universe away from Heathrow sits the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, location to an unforgettable week of intercultural exchange and learning that reinforced for me the beauty of our shared humanity. Saudi and Brit, young man and young woman alike, bonded over similarities and difference, poetry and business, football! The spiritual home of Islam and one of the most Oil rich nations in the world, Saudi Arabia has a wealth of experiences to offer any visitor, but it is the inspiring, welcoming and talented young people we met, working to achieve change in the world, who will remain long in my memory long after all else fades.

I've been back in the UK almost a week after returning from my sojourn to the Middle East and this, combined with Christmas and the pressures of finding accomodation and employment respectively, has meant that I haven't yet reflected fully upon my time in the Caribbean since my departure. More on that to come. In the mean time I will post a poem from Saudi later.