Friday, 28 June 2013



After a lengthy silence on this blog, punctuated by my stint over at View From Yanoun and contributions on Ceasefire , Waging Nonviolence and Green Left (Australia) , all drawing upon my experiences in the West Bank with the EAPPI programme I really feel a need to take stock of what I have been up since my return to London and some reflections from along the way and, perhaps to reflect more broadly on experiences and developments in my thought and practice since that point.

I have experienced a lot, learnt some things and achieved some modest personal firsts in 2013 alone, including the following

  • Been published in an academic journal
  • Started work with an amazing range of young volunteers from Newham in my first youth work role in the UK that focuses on conflict issues, (on the Truce 20/20 project
  • Led on facilitating child participation at a major UN conference
I have also revisited South Sudan for the first time since my 2011 stint there; which gave much pause for thought that I will be attempting to articulate in some articles later this summer.

So far this year I have worked with groups of adults, children and young people from 8 countries and also through the London Roots Collective and 'The Spark' gathering that they co-organized with the Jubilee Debt Campaign, have been introduced to and networked with a whole host of other activists, trainers, youth workers and artists.

Most recently, I've returned from a short visit to the occupied Palestinian territories with a European study group as research for a report I have been commissioned to draft on Youth Work in Palestine. More on this soon.

Much is afoot, and there is the potential for much more. This post is statement of intent for me to document and share more of what I am doing, working out some of my own thinking around issues of youth work, peace work and much more in between and beyond, in the process. I hope that this will be of interest and stimulate some reflection and discussion 'out there' as well as 'in here' :)